What Our Gym Offers

Group Training

The group classes are a great way to improve your fitness and get the added benefit of a positive and encouraging atmosphere. We run three different fitness level workouts to choose from in each class.

Personal Training

Basin CrossFit’s coaching staff are all certified fitness experts. The group programming is designed in an unbiased selection of exercise giving you the most well-rounded programming.

Nutrition Coaching

Nutrition is the base of the pyramid in the CrossFit hierarchy of training and in Gregg Glassman’s “Fitness in 100 Words” he lays out the CrossFit nutrition recommended guidelines.

CrossFit Kids

The goal of the CrossFit Kids and Teens program is to develop and improve general physical fitness in order to prepare kids and teens to be safe in sports (and life in general). But, despite the increased physical demands of the class, the focus of the Kids and Teens program is still on fun. Age groups for Kids classes are 6-9 and 10-13 and Teens are 14-18.

CrossFit Teens

Summer is coming and Basin CrossFit Teens Summer Camp is ready to get started! Our Teens program has one major goal in mind: PERFORMANCE.


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